Important Notice

natural remedies are not a replacement for conventional drugs, but they have been used traditionally to ease the symptoms of a range of minor self-limiting disorders. Many plant-based remedies are not clinically tested like conventional drugs because they are traditional recipes that companies cannot patent. If you want to give them a go, just make sure you follow a few common sense guidelines.
Before you try any of the remedies, make sure you get a proper diagnosis from your doctor. If you have any other existing condition or are taking medicines, or if you are pregnant or breast feeding, then you should take medical advice before using the remedies. You must make sure you follow the recipe closely as well as the advice on dosage, and do a 24-hour skin test to check you are not allergic.
You will find most of the plants James uses in your own back garden, your fridge or at your local garden centre, but some are found in the wild and could be confused with toxic plants. It is vital you know exactly what you are picking, so use a good plant reference book.
Many factors can influence results and the remedies might work for some and not others.
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Monday, 13 April 2009


Medicinal uses;
Parts used:
Flowers, Fruit, Peel
Flowers in spring, when they are fully open and free of dew,fruit in September/October, when they are ripe.Traditionally, farmers will harvest apples in the last quarter of the moon - otherwise they won't keep as well. This old farmer's wisdom makes sense, since water levels within organisms are highest at full moon and lowest at the new moon, making fruit less likely to rot.
Apples are a wonderful, healing food, easy for the body to digest and able to correct over-acidity of the stomach. They are particularly rich in pectin, a soluble fibre that forms a jelly-like substance, as any jam-maker will know. Pectin, available in its purified form, is used to help set marmalades and jams. In the body it helps to regulate digestion, forms a protective coating in the intestines and soothes inflamed tissues. Thus, apples can be used to treat both diarrhoea and constipation. They are also highly recommended for balancing blood sugar levels, as they prevent those dangerous spikes and lows. Apples are cooling and anti-inflammatory. They are wonderfully refreshing and thirst quenching during convalescence, especially when suffering from feverish conditions, coughs and colds. Apple tea, usually prepared by infusing minced fruit or peels (organic, please!) in hot water, is not only a delicious drink, but also increases uric acid elimination and is helpful as a supportive remedy in the treatment of arthritic and rheumatic conditions as well as rheumatoid kidney and liver disease. An apple diet is recommended for gout, constipation, haemorrhoids, bladder and kidney disease. An apple at bed time improves the quality of sleep and helps to control night sweat.
Bees love the nectar rich apple blossoms in spring. The petals can be infused as a tea to treat feverish conditions, especially those that affect the upper respiratory tract. Apple blossom tea also soothes and calms the nerves.
Apples cider vinegar is also excellent, not just for salads, but for a whole host of health conditions. It is very rich in calcium and can help to improve calcium deficiency related problems such as loss of concentration and memory, weak muscle tone, poor circulation, badly healing wounds, general itchiness, aching joints and lack of appetite. Apple cider vinegar detoxifies by supporting the eliminative function of the kidneys. Thus, it is a helpful supportive aid for arthritis, gout, rheumatism and skin conditions. It is also beneficial for sinusitis, high blood pressure, migraine, chronic exhaustion and night sweats. To make use of this healthful elixir, dilute one tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 6-8 oz of water. This may be sweetened with honey.


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